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versión impresa ISSN 1729-4827


GOMEZ, Eduardo Escalante. Values in university students. An hermeneutic study. Liberabit [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.1, pp.27-38. ISSN 1729-4827.

This research studies values in university students. The aims were to identify the value matters in the university students and to describe the research process as such. A qualitative methodology was used, specifically a phenomenologicalhermeneutic approach. The sampling was meaningful and longitudinal. 58 interviews were realized to students from different university careers (engineering, psychology, education). The research allowed to identify some of the university students values through five main thematic, among others the Self, the Other, and the Context.

Palabras clave : Credibility; Hermeneutic; Phenomenology; Qualitative Research; Values.

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