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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


MARZOUKA, Nelly  y  MAZURCA, Ricardo. Memoria colectiva y holocausto palestino. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2005, n.4. ISSN 1870-350X.

The Zionist State of Israel was born as a result of a theocractic foreing military occupation, unique in the world, and inserted within the british colonization in Palestine. Because of this same nature it was started in a terrorist context, relaying on the economic and military support of the United States, along with the other big imperialists occidental powers which have given guarantee to its artificial creation, but indispensable as wedge of their economic interests. The palestine people has been thrown out in a gradual and progressive way in different waves by the arms. Thanks to the action of the terrorist jewish-zionist organizations like HAGANNAH, STERN and IRGUN, which commited horrifying massacre with the objetive of causing panic and terror in 1947 and 1948 in the civil palestine society, before the division. The most known massacre, which stayed in the palestine collective memory, was the one that happened in Deir Yassin, commited under the rule of Menahim Beguin in April 9 of 1948, and in which this terrorist bands reached to cutting the stomaches of pregnant women. Of this and other massacres made by the jewish-zionists in Palestine, there is documentation which testifies this horrifying crimes against man kind.

Palabras clave : Collective memory; Holocaust; Palestine people.

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