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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


GRINSPUN, Mirian P. Zippin; NOVIKOFF, Cristina; MANESCHY, Patrícia  y  RAMOS, Rosa Maria M.. Os adolescentes e a construção dos valores. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2006, n.5. ISSN 1870-350X.

The present text is resultant of 5 years of inquiry of the group of research Young and Values of the program of after-graduation in education of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro concerning the values of the young in the current context. It was privileged relation students-values in its different and distinct dimensions articulated to social imaginary pertaining to school. The objective was to understand of that way the students configure its values. It was anchored in the theoretical of Castoriadis (1982), and Hessen (1980). It began of estimated of the acquisition and the construction of the values if it gives in description-social terms. Differentiated instruments of research beyond the half-structuralized questionnaires had been applied. The analyses had disclosed the reasonable symbolic relations of the students with the society, the market and the school. One expects to contribute with the reflection for the accomplishment of a proposal pedagogical that makes possible the inquiry of imaginary of the daily pertaining to school making possible practical constructions of symbolic for accomplishment of collective values.

Palabras clave : Values; Imaginary Social; School.

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