Servicios Personalizados
Psicologia para América Latina
versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X
MARANGONI, Simone y AIRES, Joaquim Maria Quintino. A psicologia sócio-histórica na formação de psicoterapeutas. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2006, n.6. ISSN 1870-350X.
The training of clinical psychologists supported in the Social-Historical approach is a new alternative, in the Brazilian reality. It is a new perspective and alternative in the sense of replacing the traditional conceptions, suppressing the dichotomy objectivity / subjectivity found in most of the approaches, mainly when the focus is the psychotherapy. The contribution of the Dialogical Relational Model created by Maria Rita Mendes Leal permits the psychotherapist of IPAF - Institute of Applied Psychological and Training to discuss the training of the Social Historical clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.
Palabras clave : Clinical psychologist; Social-historical approach; Dialogical relational model.