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 número33Fronteras coloniales, Psicología de la Liberación y la desobediencia indigenaRecuperar el legado de Martín-Baró: psicologia social de la guerra índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia para América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X


CANTILLO, Katterine Vargas; JIMENEZ, José Eduardo Lozano; MARIN, Angélica Paternina  y  VEGA, Laura J. Gil. Mental health in contexts of violence: From liberation towards transformation. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2020, n.33, pp.43-51. ISSN 1870-350X.

Thirty-one years after the death of Ignacio Martín-Baró, his message and testimony are still valid. This article is a construction that starts from its postulates and is articulated to the reality of a Colombia, which although distant in time, is very close in its social dynamics to El Salvador de Martín-Baró. A path is presented that analyzes the relationship between mental health and conflict, and particularly in the Colombian social context, marked during the last decades by the presence of guerrillas, drug trafficking and paramilitarism, within the framework of a State de-legitimized by corruption, clientelism, the struggle of powers and a divided society, sometimes indifferent, sometimes deeply moved. Next, the relevance of mental health in the Colombian regulatory framework is analyzed, giving a general semblance of the place gained in the legislation in order to guarantee the rights of nationals. Next, the aforementioned reality is analyzed from the voices of its most vulnerable protagonists: children. At another time, the resignification of pain and suffering is considered, as a way of vindicating the human potential to reinvent and make sense of adverse situations from the recognition of people as subjects of rights and transforming agents. Finally, there is a questioning of psychology and psychologists, about the role they play in this reality and a call is made to be a response to a historical moment that does not allow intermediate positions and that demands of professionals who make a difference and choose for being facilitators of deep social transformations, from the ethical and epistemological conviction.

Palabras clave : Mental Health; Conflict; Human Rights; Suffering; Psychology; Social Transformation.

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