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vol.5 número2Validade de construto do conjunto de testes de inteligência cristalizada (CTIC) da bateria de fatores cognitivos de alta-ordem (BaFaCAlO)A experiência de intervenção feita por alunos de psicologia numa escola pública em Minas Gerais índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Gerais : Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia

versión On-line ISSN 1983-8220


NEUBERN, Maurício da Silva. Hypnotic Techniques, Chronic Pain and Subject Emergency. Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.5, n.2, pp.317-333. ISSN 1983-8220.

This paper has as its starting point a criticism of contemporary research on hypnosis and chronic pain in which emphasis is not given to the role of the subject in the therapeutic process. It seeks to demonstrate how hypnosis techniques can contribute to the emergence of the subject in patients suffering from chronic pain. Using short clinical examples one shows how these techniques enable the subject to take an active role in the process and how they bring out experiences and narratives that have considerable therapeutic potential, while still being typically marginalized by mainstream medical rhetoric. The techniques are addressed in three general categories: acceptance and rapport, story telling, and language subversions. One concludes considering that the techniques are in favor of triggering resources and potentials, placing value on knowledge and actions of the subject and not remaining restricted to the notion that pain is a purely organic phenomenon.

Palabras clave : Hypnosis; Chronic Pain; Subject; Subjectivity.

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