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Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana

versión On-line ISSN 2075-9479


CHASTINET, Jamile; MORAIS, Caio  y  SOLOVIEVA, Yulia. Rehabilitation of a patient with acoustic-mnestic aphasia after brain trauma: a Lurian approach. Neuropsicologia Latinoamericana [online]. 2011, vol.3, n.1, pp.27-39. ISSN 2075-9479.

Brain trauma is a social health problem that has motor, behavioural and cognitive associated consequences. The present article aims at presenting the results of the rehabilitation of an aphasic patient due to brain trauma. The patient is an 18- year-old male suffering from acoustic-mnestic aphasia, according to Luria's classification. The CT scan shows hypodense images involving the left temporal and parietal and the right frontal lobes. Also, a hypodense image is found in the medial occipital-parietal region. After rehabilitation, the patient shows improved language, writing, reading and arithmetic abilities.

Palabras clave : Brain trauma; Acoustic-mnestic aphasia; Neuropsychological assessment; Lurian neuropsychology.

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