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Jornal de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0103-5835


HAUDENSCHILD, Teresa Rocha Leite. The father and the constitution of masculinity. J. psicanal. [online]. 2009, vol.42, n.77, pp.123-141. ISSN 0103-5835.

The author tries to retrace the constitution and evolution of masculinity, through vignettes of sessions with children and adolescents, from the predominance of pre-genital up to genital psychical levels. Her perspective is bifocal: diachronic, in order to contextualize the development of masculinity, and, synchronic, focusing on mental structures, and their links in each moment observed. Key moments for the constitution of masculinity are the “two waves of sexuality” described by Freud (1905/1972): in the early infancy and in puberty, corresponding to the first and second individuation (Blos, 1979/1996). In these individuations the father (internal and external) is the central figure in the elaboration of the inherent tasks in each caesura (Bion, 1975/1977).

Palabras clave : Masculinity; Function of the father; First and second individuation; Psychical bisexuality; Good enough repression; Good enough father; Latent boy; Puber boy; Masculine adolescent.

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