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vol.50 número92La formación psicoanalítica en el mundo: ideas, modelos y posibilidades de accesoEn busca del padre: Notas sobre la película Estación Central de Brasil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Jornal de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0103-5835


BARBOSA, Marielle Kellermann. Worldwide values of didactic psychoanalysis. J. psicanal. [online]. 2017, vol.50, n.92, pp.305-308. ISSN 0103-5835.

The data presented herein are regarding amounts of money which candidates in psychoanalytic training have spent for sessions of didactic psychoanalysis. The data collection was made through communication channels that exist among colleagues who are part of ipso (International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization). These colleagues are training in institutes that are affiliated to IPA in 27 different cities around the world. This data collection is informal; it has not resulted from a research made with due methodological rigor. However, the author continues, since the values informed herein reflect reality, they can be taken as a reference to reveal institutes, cities, and countries in which psychoanalytic training is more accessible to everyone, and those in which it is more restricted to the elite. The purpose of this data collection was to feed the debate at the AMF's Annual Symposium (AMF - Affiliated Members Association) "The silence about cost and the cost of silence in the psychoanalytic training", which happened in March of 2017.

Palabras clave : cost; money; training; culture.

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