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vol.31 número95Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento: uma perspectiva pedagógica e psicopedagógica com literatura infantilAutismo e família: revisão bibliográfica em bases de dados nacionais índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versión impresa ISSN 0103-8486


SAMORA, Bruna Machado  y  SILVA, Marjorie Cristina Rocha da. Possibilities psychoeducational intervention: the social skills as an alternative to stress. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2014, vol.31, n.95, pp.158-168. ISSN 0103-8486.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of the work of Educational Psychologist in the business area, more specifically considering Educational Intervention with the use of life experiences to promote social skills as an alternative to stress. Therefore, a bibliographic review was performed papers covering the last 10 years, using keywords such as stress, psychological education and social skills. Books, essay and theses were searched for content, samples and guidelines. In general, studies report that subjects with social skills deficits have a higher predisposition to stress within and outside the workplace. The Educational Psychologist's work in corporate businesses should aim to obtain the knowledge of the problems and to intervene by helping the individuals to revise their lives and recover their learning to normal standards. Research and studies have concluded that 25% to 30% of individuals' deficits in social skills are linked to stress. However, it was observed a lack of studies relating the actions of the Educational Psychologist in reducing the stress through the study of social skills, thus revealing the need for future studies as well as research to develop proposals for intervention or prevention in the business environment.

Palabras clave : corporate educational psychology; organizational psychology; occupational health.

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