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Revista Psicopedagogia

versión impresa ISSN 0103-8486


CONTE, Gabriella; CIASCA, Sylvia Maria  y  CAPELATTO, Iuri Victor. Relationship between self-concept and self-control compared to the academic performance of elementary school children. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.102, pp.225-234. ISSN 0103-8486.

In studies of school and learning difficulties, it highlights the importance of identifying what are the possible causes of not learning, and, among these, it is known that the affective-emotional aspect affects school performance. This study aimed to identify the relation between self-concept and self-control compared to school performance. The participants of this study were 35 children (19 females and 16 males), from 8 to 11 years old, who were studying in elementary school (from the 3rd to 5th grade) of a private school in an country town of São Paulo state. For the evaluation, the following instruments were used: Academic Performance Test (TDE); Women's Self-control scale (EFAC) and Men's Self-control Scale (EMAC); Self Concept Scale for Children and Youth (EAC-IJ). The results presented showed that, for the sample, the more knowledge a person had of himself/herself (self-concept), the higher was his/her self-control, and the greater was his self-control, the greater was his familiar self-concept, demonstrating the importance of the family in the emotional state of the child, the development of rules and behavior, and in self-control in general. Furthermore, the personal self-concept was directly related to learning (and performance in arithmetic) and the feelings and emotions of the child, as well as the social self-concept influenced school performance and arithmetic, meaning that, more the child knows about himself/herself, the better their school performance and their ability to deal with the daily situations will be.

Palabras clave : Self-concept; Self-control; Learning.

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