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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1415-711X


JOAQUIM, Bianca Oliveira; BASSETTO, Juliane Angelina; CASTRO, Mariana Pagano  y  POLLI, Gislei Mocelin. Psychological evaluation pre-bariatric surgery: the patient's experience. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2019, vol.39, n.96, pp.109-117. ISSN 1415-711X.

People who try various methods to lose weight and fail end up choosing to do the bariatric surgery. Usually they present some kind of suffering and, because of this, a psychological evaluation pre-bariatric surgery is necessary. The target of the study was to identify the patient's experiences about this psychological evaluation made before the surgery. Twelve people were interviewed: five patients from SUS (Unified Health System) and seven patients from health care insurance. The data were analyzed by theme/category-based content analysis. A large number of participants considered the pre-operative bariatric psychological evaluation important. Some of them reported the lack of a more frequent preoperative monitoring, since there is no minimum number of standardized sessions. The participants' reports indicate the importance of a legislation that would guide health care and the SUS itself to have a minimum amount of psychological sessions in the preoperative and in the postoperative periods, as well as the development of a protocol for this evaluation.

Palabras clave : bariatric surgery; psychological evaluation; preoperative.

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