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vol.17 número1O conceito de angústia na teoria freudiana inicialDa temporalidade da existência e do instante: uma investigação ontológico-existencial segundo o pensamento de Heidegger índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Natureza humana

versión impresa ISSN 1517-2430


VORCARO, Angela  y  LUCERO, Ariana. Winnicott's transitional object in the formation of the Lacanian concept of object a. Nat. hum. [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.1, pp.15-32. ISSN 1517-2430.

This article aims to indicate possible approximations between the Lacanian concept of object a and the Winnicottian concept of transitional object. Initially, the Lacanian references to Winnicott's work are mostly critics, e.g. in the Seminar 4 (1956-1957/1995), which debates the issue of object relation. Nevertheless, a few years later, in the Seminar 15 (1967-1968), an association between the object a and the transitional object is explicitly stated by Lacan, accompanied by a strong recognition of the English psychoanalyst's work. Through this demarche, it should be clear the importance of the objects to the subjective constitution from the point of view of a psychoanalytical theory.

Palabras clave : transitional object; object a; object relation; Winnicott; Lacan.

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