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Natureza humana

versión impresa ISSN 1517-2430


SOARES, Flávia Maria de Paula. Traumatic interferences in the neonatal ICU in the mothering capacity: Winnicottian contributions based on the concept of Primary Maternal Preoccupation. Nat. hum. [online]. 2018, vol.20, n.2, pp.71-79. ISSN 1517-2430.

This article addresses some traumatic interferences in the mothering capacity of mothers of infants admitted to neonatal ICU monitored in a follow-up ambulatory. The hypothesis raised is that as a result of the pathology and hospitalization of the baby, the mother enters the normal psychic process of primary maternal preoccupation, but fails to recover from it in the commonly expected time. The symptomatic effects in mothering are expressed in her ability to act as good-enough mother, which as a consequence, occurs in the later delay in the overall development of her baby compared to what is expected for his or her age. From the perspective of the ethics of care proposed by Winnicott, the psychoanalyst takes care of the mother, in a kind of holding of the holding, so that she can adequately care for the baby and restore healthy development.

Palabras clave : Mother-infant relationship; Primary maternal preoccupation; Neonatal ICU; Follow up.

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