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vol.23 número2Ilegalismos, governamentalidade e desejo de muros: a produção do migrante pobre como ilegalO fascínio Batailliano pela morte: uma alternativa à governamentalidade biopolítica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Natureza humana

versión impresa ISSN 1517-2430


JUNIOR, José Mauro Garboza  y  FILHO, Tadeu José Migoto. The colonial paradox: culture and formation between biopolitics and necropolitics. Nat. hum. [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.2, pp.109-124. ISSN 1517-2430.

If it is in the nineteenth century that biopolitics is consolidated, then it would be necessary to ask what would have been the impact of the philosophy of the time for the construction of this new type of power. With that, it would not be possible to ignore the work of Hegel, whose complexity would have been responsible for shaping the direction of philosophy during the nineteenth and following centuries. After all, one of his major concerns, since "Phenomenology of the Spirit", would have been the formation of culture to raise the immediate life to a full life, towards the universal and the Absolute Spirit. However, what underlies this process of formation of life is what Achille Mbembe would have noticed: for the life of the Spirit in civilization to be possible, the existence of its double, its nocturnal face, colonial barbarism was necessary. In this way, what is intended is to deepen the studies of biopolitics, investigating how the processes described by Hegel for the constitution of life and culture had as a premise a predation of a planetary scale and a brutalization combined with the plundering of the workforce of entire peoples. Due to the "dialectic" of the colonizer and colonized, the condition of the former's glory is the latter's suffering. Or rather, how to make Europe live, it was necessary to have a death policy, to do and let the rest of the planet die.

Palabras clave : Brutalism; Freedom; Violence; Universal History; Periphery.

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