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vol.7 número2O caso Guntrip"O homem da areia" e outras histórias: uma leitura das dinâmicas familiares a partir das ideias de Winnicott ou o mundo tomado em pequenas doses índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Winnicott e-prints

versión On-line ISSN 1679-432X


LOPARIC, Zeljko. Winnicott and Jung. Winnicott e-prints [online]. 2012, vol.7, n.2, pp.82-131. ISSN 1679-432X.

The present work starts off by rebuilding winnicottian's reception of both analytical psychology and Jung's autobiography, highlighting the way Winnicott conceived the opposition between Jung and Freud, both in personal and theoretical terms. It goes on showing that Winnicott states the complementarity between Freud and Jung, and suggests that his maturation theory may serve as a reference framework to the unification of Freudian and analytical psychoanalysis. Following that, the text focuses on this theory's assumptions: the execution of a revolutionary change in the Freudian paradigm, language criticism and the analytical psychology is theorized and rebuilding of elements in winnicottian paradigm. Lastly, the work examines possible institutional consequences in Winnicott's proposals.

Palabras clave : Winnicott; Jung; psychoanalysis; analytical psychology; infant schizophrenia.

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