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Interamerican Journal of Psychology

versión impresa ISSN 0034-9690


MORENO SALAS, Marjorie  y  SMITH-CASTRO, Vanessa. Infra-humanization: attribution of primary and secondary emotions and its relation to modern prejudice. Interam. j. psychol. [online]. 2009, vol.43, n.3, pp.566-576. ISSN 0034-9690.

Two studies combining qualitative and quantitative techniques were developed in order to test the relevance of the theory of infra-humanization in Costa Rican contexts. Participants were 170 students from two Careers at the University of Costa Rica: Law and Engineering. The first hypothesis stated that people tend to attribute more secondary emotions than primary emotions to the ingroups, and thus tend attribute more human essence to ingroups than to outgroups. The second hypothesis stated that a larger allocation of the primary emotions to the exogrupo will correlate with higher level of modern prejudice. The results of this study support the hypothesis of the study and point out to the need for more research on infra-humanization in Latin American contexts.

Palabras clave : Infra-humanization; Prejudice; Primary emotions; Secundary emotions.

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