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Estudos de Psicanálise
versión impresa ISSN 0100-3437
ROCHA, Márcia Alves da. Ogden transitional Oedipus considerations in transsexual studies. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2019, n.51, pp.105-114. ISSN 0100-3437.
Going through the cases of transexuality analyzed by Robert Stoller - a precursor author who studied transexuality - we will think about the implications of the Oedipus complex in sexuation and gender identity. Considering Stoller’s concept of core gender identity, we will also evaluate the theory of transitional Oedipus complex postulated by Thomas Ogden as a possibility of understanding the importance of pre-Oedipal markings in transsexual experience.
Palabras clave : Core gender identity; Neo-sexualities; Oedipus complex; Oedipal transitional complex; Transexuality.