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vol.34 número63Delicadezas do Eu: fundamentos da vulnerabilidadeO pensamento mágico na constituição do psiquismo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395


KOLTAI, Caterina. Would the unconscious be politically incorrect?. Reverso [online]. 2012, vol.34, n.63, pp.33-43. ISSN 0102-7395.

The text provides a long and careful reflexion, based upon the theoretical and clinical experience of the author, on the insertion of psychoanalysis nowadays. Starting with Freud, and with the "return to Freud" operated by Lacan, the author proposes a understanding of the malaise in contemporary and the attempts - medical, psychopharmacology, genetics, neuroscience ... - always failed to achieve "happiness": the discontentment in culture is structural and not circumstantial, in civilization, which concerns not only the way the subject experiences as suffering but also the impossibility of social bounds with others and the world. The author also shows how the discourse of science, understood as a social bond that pretends everyone to be equal at any cost, reinforces the segregation processes: the more equality to the other is required, the more the subject insists on his, or her, difference.

Palabras clave : Unconscious; Politically right; Foreigner; Segregation.

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