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versión On-line ISSN 1980-8623


BACHERT, Cristina Maria D'Antona; WECHSLER, Solange Muglia  y  MACHADO, Wagner de Lara. Construct and validity od Teacher's Temperament Styles Inventory (IETP). Psico (Porto Alegre) [online]. 2016, vol.47, n.1, pp.56-67. ISSN 1980-8623.

The Teacher Temperament Styles Inventory (IETP) is a self-report instrument composed of four dimensions: Extroverted-Introverted, Practical-Imaginative, Thinking-Feeling, and Organized-Flexible that had its psychometric properties evaluated in two studies. The first one analyzed the evidences based on 40 items designed and included five psychological assessment researchers. The second examined the evidences based on internal structure of IETP, which was assessed by Exploratory Factor Analysis with four factors set, their reliability coefficients (F1 = 0.77, F2 = 0.80, F3 = 0.90, F4 = 0.70). The latter study included 400 elementary and high school teachers (Mean Age = 41.1 years; SD = 10.97). The cluster analysis (Two Step Clusters) identified the existence of two profile groups discriminated between Catalyst (59.9%) and Comprehensive (40.1%). On conclusion, the IETP has scientific qualities in order to help teachers assess and improve their teaching style.

Palabras clave : Temperament; Styles; Teaching-learning process; Teacher education.

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