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Psicologia Clínica

versión impresa ISSN 0103-5665versión On-line ISSN 1980-5438


BLOC, Lucas; PITA, Juliana; MOREIRA, Virgínia  y  WOLF-FEDIDA, Mareike. The case of August Strindberg: (re)visiting Jaspers’ pathography and Binswanger’s phenomenological analysis. Psicol. clin. [online]. 2016, vol.28, n.2, pp.133-148. ISSN 0103-5665.

August Strindberg (1849-1912), famous Swedish writer, left a legacy of dozens of works, which, besides literary quality, produced a faithful portrait of his mental disease. Such descriptions have drawn the attention of diverse psychiatrists, especially when it comes to the relation between psychosis and esthetic creation. In this article, we have revisited Strindberg’s pathology, presented by Jaspers, and phenomenological analysis, realized by Binswanger, presenting its main characteristics and how this case illustrates the different conceptions by these authors. Jaspers was interested in the autobiographical writings of Strindberg because it consisted of an example of what is presented concerning the inaccessibility to a psychological understanding of psychosis and of the process involved in falling sick. Binswanger, returning to genetic phenomenology, realizes Strindberg’s delirious experience from egological and bodily issues. To Jaspers, Strindberg’s pre-morbid world was different from his posterior delirious world. Binswanger, on the other hand, primarily identifies the announcement of what came to be Strindberg’s delirium. These are distinct trajectories that, beyond distinction, reflect marks of the initial employment of a phenomenological lens by Jaspers which become effective later on by means of Phenomenological Psychopathology authors, such as Binswanger.

Palabras clave : Strindberg; Jaspers; patography; Binswanger; phenomenological analysis.

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