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vol.30 número93Habilidades perceptivas visuais e qualidade de escrita de escolares com dislexia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versión impresa ISSN 0103-8486


GUIDOLIM, Keiteuicia; FERREIRA, Tais de Lima  y  CIASCA, Sylvia Maria. Social skills in children claimed with hyperactivity and listlessness. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2013, vol.30, n.93, pp.159-168. ISSN 0103-8486.

INTRODUCTION: Changes in attention and behavior such as hyperactivity and impulsiveness are researched in many fields, such as in health and education, in order to try to understand processes related to this disorder, as well as behavior and social alterations. The aim of this study is to verify which are the social skills changed and how much they influenced social development of a child with attention deficit and hyperactivity clamors. METHODS: There were twenty-eight children analyzed, all of them studying in public elementary school that presented hyperactivity and attention deficit, of ages between 6 and 12 years old, that made two groups: GI (clamors of attention deficit) and GII (clamors of both attention deficit and hyperactivity). In order to evaluate their social skills it was used the IMHSC-Del-Prette (Multimedia Inventory of Children Social Skills). RESULTS: Facing the statistic analysis there were no significant difference between the two groups concerning social skills. Comparing the general group with the IMHSC-Del-Prette sample it was observed that the average result referring to the answer of the researched group is below the average from the usual reference range, implying some deficit in social behavior.

Palabras clave : Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Attention; Behavior.

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