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vol.24 número3Validade de software para medição do tempo de reação total com estímulo simples - TRT_SEstado nutricional de crianças e adolescentes: fatores associados ao excesso de peso e acúmulo de gordura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versión impresa ISSN 0104-1282


BADARO, Flávia Azevedo Righi; ARAUJO, Rubens Corrêa  y  BEHLAU, Mara. The copenhagen Neck Functional disability scale - CNFDS: translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.3, pp.304-312. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: the Danish questionnaire entitled The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale(CNFDS) is a tool for self-assessment of cervical complaints,originally developed in English, of which there is, so far, no translation into Brazilian Portuguese. The process involvedin this researchproved to be relevant for the exploration of the questionnaire and the realization of adjustments necessary for it to be functiona l and applicable in Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture settings. Thus, once this has been carried out, many health professionals will benefit from this version in their clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To perform the translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen (The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale - CNFDS). METHODS: The questionnaire was translated into Brazilian Portuguese by two bilingual, Brazilian physiotherapists who were aware of the objective of this research. The back-translation was performed by a third person, a Brazilian, bilingual English teacher, who had not participated in the previous step. After comparing the resulting translations, a single translated version was produced named the Escala Funcional de Incapacidade do Pescoço de Copenhagen (EFIPC) and in each question the option "not applicable" was added to the answer key. During the translation and cultural adaptation process there were no changes and/or eliminations of any questions. RESULT: The composition of the Escala Funcional de Incapacidade do Pescoço de Copenhagen reflects the original English version, with a total of 15 questions, with the questions numbered 1 to 5 presenting a positive direction response (a "yes" answer indicates good cervical condition), and questions numbered 6 to 15 presenting a negative direction response (a "yes" answer indicates poor cervical condition. CONCLUSION: The process involved in this research allowed the achievement of thedesired goal, and thus it was possible totranslate and culturally adapt to Brazilian Portuguese the content of the CNFDS questionnaire, giving riseto the Escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen.

Palabras clave : neck pain; disability; physiotherapy; translation.

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