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 número32Pares socionormativos e condutas desviantes: testagem de um modelo teóricoBurnout em profissionais que trabalham no atendimento a vítimas de violência índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-6578


BASTOS, Alessandra Alfaro  y  BASTOS, Alessander André Alfaro. A ethnographic on state action in the treatment imprisonment: an analysis from the presidio of Santa Maria regional. Barbaroi [online]. 2010, n.32, pp.44-68. ISSN 0104-6578.

This work will be performed after the domestication of theoretical look through the ethnography of anthropology itself, a quest for understanding of the micro-systems in the criminal justice system. We will analyze the actors in the micro-cosmos Presídio Regional de Santa Maria through on-site monitoring of all classes in the School Julieta Ballestro, located within the PRSM. The current criminal justice system is challenged every day through various media, so it is necessary to try to understand through the semiotic concept of culture (consider culture as webs of meaning to which man is tied) how is the acceptance of treatment imprisoned by both the society in general and by the inmate

Palabras clave : Ethnography; Justice System; Regional Presidio de Santa Maria.

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