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 número32Burnout em profissionais que trabalham no atendimento a vítimas de violênciaO uso da terapia cognitivo-comportamental no tratamento do transtorno depressivo: uma abordagem em grupo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-6578


SCHLINDWEIN, Vanderléia de Lurdes Dal Castel. Suffering and hidden pain: field workers of the tabacco lack of social protection. Barbaroi [online]. 2010, n.32, pp.82-97. ISSN 0104-6578.

The present paper is a research of qualitative matrix on the conditions of work and the repercussions on the health of the worker. In this perspective, one searched to give visibility to the some angles that perpetuate the occult of the sicken processes and accidents of the smoke production activity, in the northeast region of the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul. Twenty and three workers had participated of the research who had suffered serious work accidents and were part of the data base of the Relatório Individual de Notificação de Agravo (RINA) que faz parte do Sistema de Informação em Saúde e Trabalho (SIST-RS), of the 6º Regional Coordenadoria de Passo Fundo /RS. The depositions disclose realities, many times, occulted for the silence of pain, for in the distance of the specialized medical resources, for the institucional obstacles that make it difficult the guiding and recognition of the aid illness and accident next to the Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social (INSS), until the impediments of recognition of the causal nexus of the work with the accident. Obstacles visible and invisible that contributes day-by-day for the lack social protection of the agricultural worker in its of work, in which the violence that reaches them is subtle, it is conjured in the fatigue, pain and the occult suffering

Palabras clave : Agricultural worker; sicken and Work Accidents.

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