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vol.34 número1Doble excepcionalidad: análisis exploratorio de experiencias y autoimagen en estudiantes chilenosDesafios no diagnóstico de dupla excepcionalidade: um estudo de caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Psicología (Lima)

versión impresa ISSN 0254-9247


MUGLIA WECHSLER, Solange  y  TONETE SUAREZ, Janete. Teachers’ perceptions in training courses on talents/giftedness. Rev. psicol. (Lima) [online]. 2016, vol.34, n.1, pp.39-60. ISSN 0254-9247.

Programs designed for teachers’ training should prepare them to attend to the needs of talented/gifted students in their classrooms. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether future teachers had sufficient knowledge to attend the talented/gifted students. The sample consisted of 170 undergraduate students (145 women, 25 men), who were enrolled in teachers’ preparation courses in 2 private and 3 state universities in Brazil. A questionnaire with six open questions about talent/giftedness was administered in a group setting, and answers were classified by content analysis. The results indicated that teachers have several doubts about these concepts and question if they are responsible or the school administrators are responsible to attend to these students. In conclusion, future teachers are not receiving adequate preparation to guide talented/gifted students in their classrooms.

Palabras clave : giftedness; high ability; talent; teacher training; special education.

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