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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0486-641X


CANDI, Talya Saadia. What is at stake in psychoanalytical work? The contributions of André Green to the metapsychology of analytical situation. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2010, vol.44, n.2, pp.111-119. ISSN 0486-641X.

This paper comments on excerpts of André Greens' report, submitted in the year of 1975, for the 29th International Psychoanalytical Congress in London, entitled "The Analyst, Symbolization and Absence in the Analytic Setting", and brings the contributions of this French psychoanalyst to the metapsychology of analytical situation. According to Green, the therapeutic situation should be conceptualized based on the Freudian discovery of the workings of dreams. As is the case with sleeping and dreaming, the function of the device triggered by the analytical frame is to implant the necessary and sufficient conditions needed to structure a process of symbolization. Resurging from the unconscious, or produced by the analytical session, these symbols should be able to generate meanings which can be translated into thoughts, words and interpretations, making way for the elaboration of emotional experiences. The author introduces the notion of borderline-patients as being those who show certain intolerance towards the conventional device, adding that the variations in device promote a technical elasticity, having as its only aim the preservation of minimum conditions for symbolization in the therapy session, without which the analytical process would be immobilized.

Palabras clave : André Green; analytic setting; symbolization; mental functioning; variants of classical analysis.

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