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vol.49 número2La angustia en Freud y LacanEnsaio sobre a melancolia: suas origens, sua dialética, seus caminhos tortuosos e seu destino inelutável índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0486-641X


VILLELA, Jéssica de Sousa  y  SOUZA, Audrey Setton Lopes de. O uso de histórias na clínica psicanalítica: uma experiência em oficina terapêutica com crianças em grave sofrimento psíquicoThe use of stories in psychoanalytic practice: experiencing a therapeutic workshop with children in severe psychological distressEl uso de historias en la clínica psicoanalítica: una experiencia en taller terapéutico con niños que sufren grave angustia psíquica. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2015, vol.49, n.2, pp.89-104. ISSN 0486-641X.

This paper intends to study the use of stories in psychoanalytic practice with children in severe psychological distress. This subject was extracted from the clinical practice in a therapeutic workshop of stories, which was a part of Giramundo - a clinical device of Psychological Clinic in PUC-SP. We underline the importance of considering psychoanalysis as a work tool in the different clinical frames, i.e., the extension of psychoanalysis beyond its traditional framing. It is a study made by observing ("reading") scenes and situations which were experienced in clinical encounters and extracted from a textual record, the Book of the workshop of stories. Overall, we notice two main moments are pointed out in this record: in the first one, the narrative describes what was happening in the workshop, whereas, in the second moment, children took a more active role in the construction of the narrative, when they created new stories and experienced the make-believe world. It seems that the experience of a described-self enables a narratorself to emerge: that moment when children were, at the same time, playing characters and being character creators, and they somehow started playing by making-up stories.

Palabras clave : psychoanalytic practice; therapeutic workshop; psychological distress in childhood; stories; playing.

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