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vol.51 número3El aburrimiento y la clínica del vacíoTedio, luto y melancolía índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versión impresa ISSN 0486-641X


CANDI, Talya S.. From boredom to reverie: vicissitudes of intersubjectivity in the psychoanalytic framework. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2017, vol.51, n.3, pp.65-77. ISSN 0486-641X.

This paper shows the author's thoughts on the vicissitudes of boredom in the psychoanalytic relationship, especially the analyst's boredom during the session. Inspired by Winnicott, the author suggests that the psychoanalyst's boredom should be considered an element that serves the purpose of indicating either Psychoanalysis or Psychotherapy for the specific case. The author emphasizes the importance of distinguishing the two kinds of boredom. The first type of boredom - the benign boredom - results from a time of waiting which is needed in order to enable the anguish and affections experienced in the session to be digested so that they may find a way of expression. The second type - the malign boredom - is a result of des-objetalization and hopelessness; it requires the psychoanalyst's psychic work to be active (a reverie). The author uses clinical vignettes to illustrate the intersubjective processes that are connected to these two kinds of boredom.

Palabras clave : boredom; preverbal communication; intersubjectivity; evocation; reverie.

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