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vol.15 número23del potencial humano mediante grupos de autoconocimiento y desarrollo personalHacia una nueva maternidad: relatos de mujeres que fueron madres en su adolescencia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Alternativas en Psicología

versión impresa ISSN 1405-339X


REYNA, Jaime Montalvo; MORALES, Nalleli María Cedillo; CRUZ, María Guadalupe Hernández  y  SALCIDO, María Rosario Espinosa. Efectos de la terapia breve es tructural y del equilibrio energético en niños en edad escolar con déficit de atención: reporte preliminar. Altern. psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.23, pp.14-22. ISSN 1405-339X.

The purpose of the present report was to test the effects of implementing a system of energy balance (life System) in five children with attention deficit (ad). The hypothesis raised was that the system would cause the least a small change in the degree of ad. Also were implemented some brief therapy strategies such as family structural feedback to the children's families all of which correlated with a change in variables family dysfunctionality, psychological individual, couple and family welfare. The results indicate that it is possible to suggest that the strategies employed by these families may be useful in similar cases with the necessary adaptation of interventions in each particular case.

Palabras clave : Systemic brief therapy; energy balance; structural family feedback; attention deficit; family disfunctionality.

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