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 número38-39Educação sexual: atitudes, conhecimentos, conforto e disponibilidade para ensinar de professores portuguesesQualidade de vida em pacientes oncológicos na assistência em casas de apoio índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1413-0394


CALVETTI, Prisla Ücker et al. Quality of life in women living with HIV/Aids. Aletheia [online]. 2012, n.38-39, pp.25-38. ISSN 1413-0394.

The work aims to evaluated quality of life in women living with HIV/Aids, in prominence social relations and sexuality. The study assessed also socio demographic aspects and clinical situation (CD4+ and viral load) of 63 women, from 18 and 65 years old, in use of antiretroviral therapy. This study is quantitative, has cross sectional analytical descriptive character. It was used the instruments: socio demographic data questionnaire, biological markers: rate of CD4 and viral load and WHOQOL-HIV bref. The results show the higher averages in the spirituality/religion/personal beliefs and social relations domains in the evaluation of quality of life. In relation to labor situation the women that worked showed higher averages in the psychological, social relations and independent level domains compared to women that didn't work. In this way, it is standed out the importance that the actions in the context of health directed to these women include attention to reinforcement of their social relations.

Palabras clave : Quality of life; HIV/Aids; Women.

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