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versión impresa ISSN 1413-0394


COBUCCI, Gabrielle; COELHO JUNIOR, Francisco Antonio  y  FAIAD, Cristiane. Competence administrative and management mapping in a software factory situated in Distrito Federal. Aletheia [online]. 2013, n.42, pp.106-121. ISSN 1413-0394.

This empirical paper aims identify, considering the perception of managers of support areas, administrative and management competences that are necessary to perform the duties of a particular position or area. With regard to methodological procedures, this study, qualitative, was developed in a company of systems engineering, situated in Brasília. Data were collected by some personal interviews with tactical and strategically administrative managers. It was identificated some competences formed by skills and knowledge that are related with performance planning and working-out. As limitations there was some difficulty of the managers to describe the competences. It's suggested the Organization implement some learning actions even for their managers aiming to deployment a culture of support and assistance to competences development.

Palabras clave : Professional competence; Organizational behavior; Performance at work.

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