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Temas em Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X


LINS, Samuel Lincoln Bezerra  y  POESCHL, Gabrielle. Spending money in clothes within the shopping mall: the meanings of "buying" for brazilian and portuguese adolescents. Temas psicol. [online]. 2015, vol.23, n.2, pp.355-369. ISSN 1413-389X.

Adolescence is a time of conflicts in which consumption plays an important role in the construction of personal and social identity. However, in spite of the extensive research on consumption behavior, not much attention has been given to adolescents. This research aimed to uncover the meanings that boys and girls associate to the buying behavior, as well as to analyze the effect that sex belongingness and socioeconomic status have on these meanings. The effect of the socioeconomic context was studied, in Brazil, through the type of school, and, in Portugal, through the perception of the economic crisis, being both factors related to social differences. In the first study participants were 482 Brazilian adolescents, 272 pupils from a private school (129 boys and 143 girls) and 210 pupils from a public school (84 boys and 126 girls). In the second study, respondents were 238 Portuguese adolescents from a public school (117 boys and 121 girls). Results reveal that there is a high homogeneity in the meanings attributed to the act of "buying" by the adolescent public, and that sex belongingness, associated to different types of products, modulate these meanings more than the socioeconomic context.

Palabras clave : Meanings; word association; consumption; adolescence.

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