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Temas em Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X


FOCH, Gisele Fernandes de Lima; SILVA, Andressa Melina Becker da  y  ENUMO, Sônia Regina Fiorim. Mothers' spiritual-religious coping with baby in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Temas psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.24, n.4, pp.1193-1203. ISSN 1413-389X.

The Motivational Theory of Coping (MTC) defines coping as how people regulate behavior, emotion and motivational orientation against the stressor. The child's hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) is a stressful condition, with frequent use of spiritual and religious coping. It was analyzed the 20 mothers (17-39 years) coping process with babies admitted to NICU (M = 10 days). The Brazilian version of RCOPE, the Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale (SRCOPE) was applied (87 items), organized into 8 factors of SRCOPE-P (positive) and 4 SRCOPE-N (negative). Their relations with adaptive coping categories (Self-reliance, Support Seeking, Problem Solving, Information Seeking, Accommodation, Negotiation) and maladaptive (Delegation, Isolation, Helplessness, Escape, Submission and Opposition) were analyzed. The indices of SRCOPE were on average, with a predominance of SRCOPE-N and higher frequency of Negative Positioning front of God, and prevalence of maladaptive strategies such as Submission, Escape and Opposition. There were correlations between SRCOPE-P and adaptive families; and between SRCOPE-N and maladaptive families. It was possible identify the use of spiritual and religious coping in this sample, and analyze its relations with adaptive process, expanding the possibilities of analysis of SRCOPE Scale.

Palabras clave : Coping; stress; Neonatal Intensive Care Units; Spiritual-Religious Coping Scale.

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