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vol.13 número14La integración de inmigrantes brasileñas en Roma: conquistas y dificultadesMemorias de pesquisa: La experiencia de una psicóloga en el interior de una prisión femenina índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1413-666X


TOSSIN, Laísa Fernandes  y  SANTIN, Terezinha Lúcia. Women’s Migratory Project: motivations and torments between dream and reality. Imaginario [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.14, pp.417-438. ISSN 1413-666X.

The research, whose results are presented in this work, was carried out through May and June of 2006. Nine interviews, with an average duration of 40 minutes, were carried out in the community of Nova Colina, periphery of Sobradinho, an integrant city of the Federal District. It is important for us to understand how women mentally elaborate and live emotionally her migratory route, as much as their perception of the changes they make in this route, arising from the external and internal dynamics of adaptation and integration to the new society. As relevant as that are the changes printed in their route and the relationships derived from the symbolic and psychophysical function of the maternity in this process. According to Bourdieu (2004), the somatic culture of each group determines their behaviors and, therefore, denaturalizing maternity is to make possible the perspective that, even the reproduction enters in the “system of relations between the different dimensions of the corporal behavior (that) implies in the breakage with the practical situation defined by a social necessity”. The repetition of the sequence: to migrate, fall in love and have children causes an increasing volume of breakages, structural disorganizations and children under the woman’s responsibility, integrating in her body the marks of the sufferings experienced, as well as traces of a latent past that becomes present in the visible expression of her self: the body.

Palabras clave : Womens migratory project; Sexuality; Pregnancy in migration.

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