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vol.23 número3Reflexões sobre a atuação do(a) psicólogo(a) em contextos de escolarização formalTendências da educação psicomotora sob o enfoque walloniano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia: ciência e profissão

versión impresa ISSN 1414-9893


SIQUEIRA, Maria Juracy Toneli  y  FERREIRA, Edirê S.. Elementary school teachers' healthy: how is gender related to it?. Psicol. cienc. prof. [online]. 2003, vol.23, n.3, pp.76-83. ISSN 1414-9893.

This work is intended to be a reflection on elementary school teachers healthier. Its starting point was the observation of the called absenteeism in this professional universe, for illness reasons. Administration staff, though, attribute it to "classroom escape". Based on an investigation that was intended to listen to the teachers, this text aims to discuss some elements involving this issue, considering the historical relation between elementary education and female work.

Palabras clave : Elementary school teachers; Occupational health; Gender relations.

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