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vol.12 número12Resiliência e gêneroO sentido de aprender psicologia para alunos de graduação em fisioterapia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologo informacao

versión impresa ISSN 1415-8809


PAULO, Maria Salete Legname de. The Clinical Analysis of the Cognitive Assessment in Children with Intellectual Inhibition. Psicol inf. [online]. 2008, vol.12, n.12, pp.53-71. ISSN 1415-8809.

The purpose of this research was to investigate the emotional disturbances of normal intelligence children who suffer from learning disabilities. The psychoanalytical approach sustains that psychopathology can reduce curiosity and the intellect. Through a comprehensive assessment of intellectual functioning and personality organization, this study used the WISC III and the CAT-A to assess five children, with their age ranging from 8 to 10, and all referred to be psychologically evaluated due to difficulties in leaning at school. The WISC III results revealed intellectual level high average, with sufficient learning resources. The qualitative evaluation showed oscillation between the subtests and unstable performance, indicating interference of the emotional aspects in the cognitive processes. The analysis of the CAT-A showed diminished production, frailties of the ego’s functions, immature defense mechanisms and incapability of solving conflicts. The emotional disturbances indicate a temporary inefficiency of mental functions that interfere with the children’s academic capacity and achievement. The histories obtained by CAT-A were also used as contact facilitators and mediators of the intervening work.

Palabras clave : Comprehensive assessment; Intelligence; WISC-III; Projectives techniques; Psychoanalysis.

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