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vol.17 número17O conceito psicanalítico do luto: uma perspectiva a partir de Freud e KleinDepressão: crianças também sofrem com essa doença índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologo informacao

versión impresa ISSN 1415-8809


SATHLER*, Conrado Neves. The Subjectivity In Clinical Psychology: historical and thematic introduction. Psicol inf. [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.17, pp.107-121. ISSN 1415-8809.

This paper discusses the subjectivity in its relation to the psychological clinic. Discusses the concept of subject and identified with the early history of clinical psychoanalysis as well as the current methods of diagnosis and treatment. It also identifies the subject as the subject and the lack of language and speech signals of diagnostic manuals and therapeutic approaches based on the established interventional techniques-priori as representatives of practices from a policy of weakening of subjectivities.

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