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Psicologo informacao

versión impresa ISSN 1415-8809


PIRES*, Anderson Clayton. Beliefs’ structuring socio-interactive system. Psicol inf. [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.17, pp.133-191. ISSN 1415-8809.

Beliefs’ structuring socio-interactive system is a theory that proposes a new understanding of the individual/human person’s identity construction social process dynamics. This paper proposes an interface between social and human sciences in order to present a better and broader comprehensive look at the phenomenon of subjective construction of the individual’s belief system which is called in this paper "interagent". The individual must never be understood as a self-referential and self-existent reality, but as a "complex unity" (NIKLAS LUHMANN) that reflects the brightness of the social processes of a complex society. The "signified experience" in the interaction ritual becomes a "hermeneutical rite" of semantic definition of the interagent’s own belief system. The interaction logics, however, tend to impound ways, meanings and structures of their own interactions established between individuals, making possible a greater intelligibility of the existing relationship between beliefs, interaction logics and contingency processes.

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