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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versión impresa ISSN 1516-3687


SONOO, Christi Noriko; HOSHINO, Elton Fernando  y  VIEIRA, Lenamar Fiorese. Leadership in sport: a study of athletes and coaches perception in the competitive context. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2008, vol.10, n.2, pp.68-82. ISSN 1516-3687.

This study aimed to analyze the leadership style of sporting coaches from adult and youthful categories. It was part of the study 238 subjects. As measure instrument, it was used the Sport Leadership Scale (SLS). For data analysis, it was adopted the descriptive statistic and the Mann-Whitney test. The results have indicated that the predominating leadership style, in the perception of coaches and athletes, was the training-instruction and the reinforcement, for both categories. The reinforcement dimension was more evidenced in the youthful category. For the female gender, the social support was more significant, while, for male gender, the autocratic behavior was more relevant. So it was possible to conclude that the leadership style was similar for both athletes’ and coaches’ perception. However, when one analyzed the coaches’ style for identifying which was the most preferred by the athletes, the higher preference was for coaches who worry about the athletes, who provide more positive feedback and who have a more democratic than autocratic style.

Palabras clave : Leadership style; Motor development; Sport coaches.

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