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vol.6 número2Trauma e sintoma: da generalização à singularidade índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148versión On-line ISSN 2175-3644


CELES, Luiz Augusto M.; SANTOS, Ana Caroline Galli dos  y  ALVES, Karen Cristina Martins. Teoria das relações de objeto em Freud e Fairbairn. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2006, vol.6, n.2, pp.291-310. ISSN 1518-6148.

Freudian psychoanalysis was built over the neurosis treatment, which has been conceived as determined by sexuality. However, not all the theorists in this area give equal privilege to sexual matters. According to social and cultural demands in different epochs, several theorists left aside the emphasis on sexuality to focus different subjects, like object relations. Thus, it's appropriated to comprehend the diverse conceptions in psychoanalysis and the consequences it brings to the treatment of contemporary clinical demands, as well as the limitations the diverse conceptions intends to surpass in libido theory. In this purpose, the object of this study was to investigate divergences and convergences between Freud and Fairbairn psychoanalytical views, adopting, for that, texts and articles written by both authors, and by other ones that refer to libido theory and object relations theory. It was found that, despite relevant conceptual divergences among the authors, there are similarities and approximations that are able to benefit the treatment of new clinical demands. In a short, it can be said that Fairbairn starts out from Freud's ideas and proposes new ways of understanding the dynamic of libido, personality constitution, psychopathological states, internal objects and object relations. It's also has been seen that Freudian psychoanalysis recognizes the value of object relations, and identify the possibility of a ego split - aspects that have been, on different foundations, more explored and discussed by Fairbairn. These reflections and the perception of converging aspects on both theories culminated in the idea that, even though Freud did not privilege object relations and internal objects, the psychoanalysis that derives from him isn't inattentive to its presence and relevance. It's even possible to assert that there is an objects relations theory present in Freud's writings.

Palabras clave : psychoanalysis; object relation theory; Freud; Fairbairn.

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