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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148


BESSET, Vera Lopes et al. Um nome para a dor: fibromialgia. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.4, pp.1245-1270. ISSN 1518-6148.

This text concerns the study of fibromyalgia, syndrome whose chronic pains without detectable organic causality is source of suffering to patients and challenge to doctors. Located in the border between rheumatology and psychosomatic pathology, with its following symptoms, the syndrome leads to a degradation of quality of life in the professional, social and family's spheres. Epidemiologic data indicate a greater incidence of this controversial clinical entity in young females. The lack of evidences in body's materiality and the presence of psychopathological factors problematize its diagnosis and treatment. Considering the diversity of factors involved in this syndrome, the indication of a multidisciplinaly treatment has been established as a consensus. On the other hand, the subjective character of the experience of pain contributes to the reticence by medical and governmental authorities in determining the status of disease to this syndrome. In this context, the patients, while search for the cure to their pain, clamor for the legitimation of fibromyalgia as a disease. Our proposal is to consider the eventual function of fibromyalgia in psychic structuration as a subjective solution. Aiming this, the clinical and theoretical references of Lacanian psychoanalysis provide elements to reflections about the body's pain and its place in psychic economy. Clinical data suggest some specificity in the uses of pain in the psychic structuration of each subject. From the current status of researches in this matter and considering the scarcity of studies in psychoanalysis' field, we look forward to contributing to an approach to fibromyalgia which sustains the particularities of enunciation in the report of the experience of pain. Without intending to reduce fibromyalgia to any psychopathological profile, as hysteria or depression, we aim to underline the relevance of the subjective position of the one who suffers in body to the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia.

Palabras clave : Fibromyalgia; Subjective position; Psychoanalysis; Chronic pain; Body.

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