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 número37¿Advenimientos de lo real: tenemos elecciones?La verdad y la interpretación poética en el psicoanálisis lacaniano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X


MARTINEZ, Fernando. Advents of the real: psychoanalysis and symptom politics.Traducido porWilson Alves-Bezerra. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2018, n.37, pp.59-63. ISSN 1676-157X.

The purpose of the work is to highlight the analytical device as a political space in act for the treatment of the real at the time. We can point out, with Lacan, that the real that comes from the effects of science in its articulation with the market economy introduces, by a political route, its consequences on subjectivity. In the experience of analytic practice we find the singular form of the symptom before the advents of the real of the epoch; where, in many cases, the precariousness of the social bond, the banalization of the word consumed in "packs" disguised as discourse and another series of manifestations redouble the bet of the psychoanalyst: to restore the status to the subject of the unconscious. It is in that ethical and political act where the Freudian discovery maintains its validity, not without redimensioning the place of the analyst in the malaise in the culture. Producing from an advent an event that upsets the position of the subject.

Palabras clave : Advent of the real; Event; Real.

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