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 número38¿Que sujeto escuchamos?: De la estructura subjetiva a la clinica del bien-decirLa lógica de la interpretación en Lacan: entre el significante-maestro y el Hay Uno índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X


ABINZANO, Rodrigo Valetín  y  ALVES-BEZERRA, Wilson. A desire's guarantor rejection. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2019, n.38, pp.105-122. ISSN 1676-157X.

In the present work we investigate the function of anorexia as a guarantor of desire, taking for it the developments made by Lacan in Seminars VIII and IX. This choice is due to the special interest it had for our research to examine the references contained there in relation to the rejection, the Versagung and the body. To order our procedure, we use point coordinates, which echo with the mentions made by Lacan about this symptomatic presentation. They are: a) anorexia as a "disorder" of orality, the differentiation between need-demand-desire; b) the differences between the love of narcissism and the love of the gift; c) the Versagung, between rejection and frustration; d) the topological immersion as an anorexic passion: going from three dimensions to two; e) some epistemic-clinical effects of the object a in the mirror image as well as the place of the imperative of enjoyment. In a final section there are conclusions and further lines of work.

Palabras clave : Anorexia; Lacan; Desire; Rejection; Immersion; Joy.

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