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vol.7 número2Homofobia en contextos jóvenes urbanos: contribuciones de los estudios de géneroTest de competencia de lectura de palabras y pseudopalabras: baremación y validación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

versión impresa ISSN 1676-7314


SANTOS, Rodrigo Soares  y  NORONHA, Ana Paula Porto. Correlational Study between the motor-perception maturation and the personality traits. Psic [online]. 2006, vol.7, n.2, pp.39-45. ISSN 1676-7314.

This study analyzed the relationships between the perceptual and motor maturation and personality traits. The tests used were Bender-Gestalt Test with the Sistema Pontual Gradual (B-SPG) and the Escala de Traços de Personalidade para Crianças (ETPC). 162 children participated in this research with ages varying from seven to 10, and attending at from first to fourth grade of public and private schools. The results indicated the existence of correlations between both constructs, perceptual and motor maturation and personality traits. The extroversion trait showed significant and negative coefficients with almost all drawings; neuroticism and sociability traits presented a smaller number of significant and negative correlations with the B-SPG; and psychoticism trait also had correlation with some drawings indicating. All of them suggested that the more this trait is present the more distorted the drawings.

Palabras clave : Psychology assessment; Psychology test; Psychometric parameters.

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