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vol.26 número3Psicopatología de los objetos transicionales: la mirada de Winnicott hacia la clínica de adiccionesUnus mundus y visión de mundo en la psicología analítica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia em Revista

versión impresa ISSN 1677-1168


PUCCINELLI, Mariana Farias  y  SILVA, Milena da Rosa. Good enough caregiver: IRDI methodology indicators as read from Winnicott. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2020, vol.26, n.3, pp.921-940. ISSN 1677-1168.

This paper addresses the concept of a good enough caregiver. Such notion is based on the view of IRDI (Clinical Risk Indicators for Child Development) methodology indicators according to Winnicott's approach. We seek to understand in what ways daycare children caregivers facilitate the maturational processes of the babies they care for, based on D. W. Winnicott's theory of emotional development. It is understood that daycare centres caregivers play a significant role in the psychic constitution of babies, considering they provide an extension to processes such as integration, personalization and socialization. When acting out in a good enough manner, they help to create a sense of continuity and their role substitutes that of the babies’ primordial caregiver, often performed by the mother figure. Because their work has a potentially constitutive role in children’s lives, it becomes clear not only that these professionals need specialized training, but how relevant this training is.

Palabras clave : IRDI; IRDI methodology; Daycare centres; Early childhood education; Maturational processes.

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