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vol.26 número3Psicología social comunitaria y teatro del oprimido: caminos de una praxis transformadoraPandemia y derechos humanos: reflexiones sobre (ab)usos de la metáfora de la guerra índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia em Revista

versión impresa ISSN 1677-1168


SICARI, Aline Amaral  y  ZANELLA, Andrea Vieira. Homeless people national movement: the complex struggle for rights . Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2020, vol.26, n.3, pp.1058-1079. ISSN 1677-1168.

The research aimed to investigate the tensions and paradoxes that characterize the struggle of the Homeless People National Movement (MNPR, the acronym in Portuguese). Its focus was a unit of the movement, located in an average city in the south of Brazil. Data analyzed were gathered during the participation in MNPR meetings and formal and informal conversations with 25 homeless people, or people with a homelessness experience. Dialogical interaction analysis was the methodology of choice. Five paradoxes were identified: 1) the condition of discomfort, concurrent with recognizing the importance of the place occupied by the movement’s leadership; 2) the tension between being on the streets and being in the institutionalized spaces of struggle; 3) the contradiction between singular life projects and the need to fight for change concerning all; 4) the tension, visibility and invisibility of homeless people; 5) the contradiction between living on the streets and being able/willing to get out of this condition, with the risk of not being recognized by peers and not taking part in the struggle. Despite the paradoxes, the research highlights the importance of MNPR concerning the fight for social, political and human rights to homeless people.

Palabras clave : Homeless people; National Movement of Homeless People; Social movement.; Rights.

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