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vol.16 número1-2Psicologia Ambiental e futuro: reflexões geopolíticas sobre Política Ambiental índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia USP

versión On-line ISSN 1678-5177


GARCIA MIRA, Ricardo; STEA, David  y  ELGUEA, Silvia. Environmental psychology and environmental policy: theoretical and practical questions. Psicol. USP [online]. 2005, vol.16, n.1-2, pp.249-259. ISSN 1678-5177.

The article asks how one can contribute to build a bridge between environmental psychologists and politicians, since environmental psychologists have been more concerned about the theoretical and academic development of the discipline than about connecting applied areas of Environmental Psychology with the complex world of Environmental Policy. It argues that, although the bridges vary in scale, there are other equally important suppositions to be considered, such as the democratic and participative context. It presents uni-directional x bi-directional communication and discusses the way in which Environmental Psychology has seen this bridge. It concludes proposing Environmental Psychology as a process within an alternative view of participation.

Palabras clave : Environmental policy; Politicians; Environmental psychology; Political participation; Communication.

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