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Winnicott e-prints
versión On-line ISSN 1679-432X
MORAES, Ariadne Alvarenga de Rezende Engelberg de. The constitution of the capacity of taking care. Winnicott e-prints [online]. 2011, vol.6, n.1, pp.1-14. ISSN 1679-432X.
According to Winnicott, the capacity of taking care is connected with the capacity of being involved with and responsible for, which in turn is accomplished in individual maturation. Bringing Gilligan and Winnicott closer allows me to show that the psychoanalyst sees the constitution of these capacities as a universal condition, common to both men and women, and the achievement of concern is the base of these capacities.
Palabras clave : Winnicott; Gilligan; ethic of care; moral; psychoanalysis.