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vol.2 número2El cáncer como metáfora de muerte o como opción para resignificar la vida: narrativas en la construcción de la experiencia familiar y su relación con el afrontamiento del cáncer de un hijo menor de edadDiferencia, ciudadanía y salud colectiva: el acompañamiento terapéutico en la red pública índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1794-9998


RUDNICKI, Tânia. Winter sun: emotional issues of the chronic renal patient. Diversitas [online]. 2006, vol.2, n.2, pp.279-288. ISSN 1794-9998.

In the present paper is discussed the most important emotional characteristics associated with the form that the patients with chronic renal insufficiency face the hemodialysis treatment. The adaptation process that is considered, important element in the people emotions, involve the patient and their particular ways of defense before the desease like main protagonists, as well as the support of the hospital medical resources, the human team that offers support and the family like important factor to avoid isolation problems whit the patient. With the balance of this adaptation process, as all chronic disease, underlying problems to the patient self-steam are prevented, the corporal image that construct and difficulties centered in his/her daily relations.

Palabras clave : Adaptation process; Chronic renal patient; Emotions; Nephrology.

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